AI Session #
HR & Recruiting
THU 28 November - 3Square Ghent
The third edition of our ongoing AISession format was again successful.
We welcomed 120+ attendees at 3Square Ghent for an evening of Human Resources and Recruiting inspired AI talks and networking.
After a warm welcome and a walking dinner, ML6’s Matthias Feys kicked off the night with a tech intro on bias in Machine Learning.
Then 5 applied AI cases in Human Resources and Recruiting followed.
Boltzmann’s Benjamin Vandemarliere presented us an AI-powered solution for wage benchmarking for SMEs.
MoNoA shed some light on their solution that enables a world of possibilities through discrete signals.’s CEO Charles Boutens presented their solution on how to continuously grow the skills of your workforce to beat the competition.
AI can help conquer much of today’s medical challenges. Jos Polfliet from Faktion is developing a way to detect early-onset Alzheimer through NLP e-mail analysis.
TechWolf & EIT InnoEnergy showed us how we can determine the skills of the future through AI.
These use cases were followed by three poster presentations: 2 minute elevator-pitch presentations by The Matchbox, Kazi and Ugent on ongoing job matching innovations. The presenters elaborated further on these cases during network time after the ensuing Q&A round.
Feel free to download the presentations on our download page