AI4Growth, catalyst between SMEs and academics (@Belgian AI week)

THU 18 March 15h00 -16h00 (Online)


Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an increasingly important role in various aspects of our lives. Also for companies, emerging AI and ML applications lead to a competitive advantage for the early adopters embracing these technologies. To accelerate the economic potential of these technologies, to link expertise and knowledge, AI4Growth was founded as a local network within AI & ML. With members from both research-driven AI companies, AI experts from industry and academia, and companies that want to focus more on the application of AI & ML, AI4Growth creates a unique platform.

In this session AI4Growth explores what the AI-(r)evolution means for society and for companies. The potential challenges of the increasing impact of AI technology on society are discussed, but also the opportunities offered by this technological revolution. With AI experts such as Sofie Van Hoecke and Erik Mannens, and input from AI believers and adopters Benjamin Vandemarliere (Boltzmann) and Jonathan Berte (Robovision) this will be an AI-session not to be missed! Digital-first professional Clo Willaerts will moderate and give you insights into the benefits and challenges of AI.