AI Session #

Biotech & Pharma

THU 5 November - Online session

On Thursday November 5th we talk AI in biotech & pharma.

In an online session, we'll present you an expert technical introduction and six applied AI use cases.
The session begins at 13h and lasts until 14h30. Find the program below.


12:55 – Welcome, opening session

13:00 – Trends & Evolutions AI for Biotech & Pharma

13:10 – Presentations use cases

I. Machine Learning ledger orchestration for drug discovery, Janssen

II. Artificial Intelligence for computer-aided chemical synthesis in flow, UGent

III. Automate the contract review for research projects using NLP, Xplodata & J&J

IV. Patient Monitoring & Elderly Care, Waylay

V. Analyse brand-switching predictions of medicines to boost sales, Omina Technologies

VI. Mining molecular data, UGent

14:15 – Q&A